The application deadline has passed. Applicants have been notified of acceptance decisions.
Date | May 8, 2021 |
Time | 2200 JST (1500 CEST; 0900 EDT) (click here for more time zone conversions) |
Duration | 4 hours |
Cost | $30 (participants must also register for at least one day of the conference) |
Questions? | Email us: |
Imagine buying flowers for a loved one. After selecting a bouquet, at checkout you discover that the site has sneaked a paid greeting card into your shopping cart. This is an example of a dark pattern, an interface designed to manipulate a user into behavior that goes against their best interests.

Workshop Topics
This four-hour online workshop (see agenda) at CHI 2021 will bring together a transdisciplinary group of design practitioners and researchers to discuss similarities in dark patterns across different domains and what to do about them. We will discuss two topics:
- First, within the design community, how can designers address dark patterns through e.g., industry norm-setting, values articulation, and design education?
- Second, beyond the design community, what changes might designers advocate for via interactions with e.g., consumers, media, and policymakers?
Application information
Applicants should submit a 3-5 page position paper (including references) in the single-column ACM Master Article Submission Template. Papers can discuss past work, propose future work, raise new ideas, etc. We welcome work from angles such as interaction design, design education, digital wellbeing, privacy and security, law and policy, algorithmic fairness and justice. At least one author of each paper must attend both the workshop and at least one day of the main conference.
All submissions should also include:
- A working definition of dark patterns;
- An example of a dark pattern from the applicant’s area of interest, preferably in a visual format 1;
- At least one way to address dark patterns from within or beyond the design community.
Acceptance will be based on the quality, relevance, and diversity. We hope accepted papers will collectively represent a diverse set of perspectives, domains, and methods.
Submission instructions | Email position papers to: |
Submission deadline | February 21, 2021 (anywhere in the world) |
Notification | March 7, 2021 |
1 See these pattern galleries for examples. For non-visual interaction modalities (e.g., voice), consider a short storyboard or comic to illustrate the dark pattern. Participants will share their example during the Lightning Introductions activity in the workshop.